Your center

Our Center for Head, Neck and Plastic Surgery is an interdisciplinary surgical center specialized in plastic and aesthetic surgery.

Illustration table opération

Aesthetic rhinoplasty and functional nose surgery are ones of our main interests.

Our mission is to improve the appearance of your nose naturally and improve or maintain nasal function for every case.

We cover a wide scope of practice in aesthetic rhinoplastyfunctional septo-rhinoplastyreconstructive nose surgery and non-surgical nose procedures (e.g. injection rhinoplasty)

We dispose of a fully equipped and accredited operating facility for all outpatient surgical procedures. If an overnight stay is needed, treatment can be performed in one the private clinics in Geneva.

We value the confidentiality and comfort of our patients. You can visit our center privately without seeing anyone except our doctors and staff.

Who works with us?

Meet the Team


    ORL, chirurgien cervico-facial, expert en évaluation auditive, chirurgie capillaire
  • Photo du Dr Alexander Cuno

    Dr CUNO

    Rhinology, Rhinoplasty, Pastic surgery of the face, Aesthetic medicine
  • Chloé

    Cosmetic care coordinator-Aesthetician-Hair consultant
  • Emilie


    Medical and Administrative Assistant