Injection rhinoplasty may give similar results to surgical rhinoplasty in some patients.

We do a 3D morphing of the nose beforehand to find out whether or not the patient is a candidate for injection rhinoplasty.

We only use absorbable hyaluronic acid for this treatment. The duration of treatment depends on the area injected, the product used and the metabolism of each patient.

Sometimes, several treatments and adjustments are necessary after a few weeks.

The results remain stable 9 to 18 months.

You can send us a picture (face and profile) by email to get a first opinion.

More permanent injection techniques can be tried with grafting materials using cartilage (which requires cartilage graft harvesting for cartilage paste) or using fat (microfat grafting).

Treatment: Injection rhinoplasty
Duration of Treatment: 15/20 minutes
Follow-up Treatment: Rendez-vous de contrôle après 10 jours
Social life: Tout de suite
Costs: A partir de 700CHF
Further questions: Contact-us